Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Life's a Dance...

As I was driving to work the other day a song came on that I hadn't heard in forever. A song that put everything into perspective, a friendly reminder of how life should be treated. As we continue on our path in life it is important to be reminded of what this journey is all about. The song is called ‘Life’s a Dance’, an older country song that I’m sure has fallen through the cracks.

As we go through life and continue to grow older we may think that we have all the answers. At times we have the notion that we know how situations are supposed to play out, the way that we want them too. And in our mind the ending that we have planned out always benefits us. But what happens when that ending is changed, what do we do then? Where does that leave us? We have usually have two options, sink or swim.

Now more than ever that scenario plays out in our head. In our generation, we are trying to find our place in the world, but we usually only have one ending in our head. We usually go into any situation expecting the best outcome possible. Think about it for a second, in what situation have you gone into thinking of another possible path to take. Do you learn as you go or do you allow yourself to sink unable to stand again?

For me, these past couple of months, or even years, have been a prime example. I won’t lie, I have gone into situations thinking that I deserve the best ending possible and I’m sure there a lot of people who have done the exact same thing. It has been built into us to "hope for the best but expect the worst.” But lets be serious for a quick second, how many people are expecting the worst??? Not many of us, which is why we get so lost and confused when the ending turns out the exact opposite of what we thought. These are the times when we feel as if have to learn how to walk again after being knocked down.

But these are the times when our true colors shine the most. The cliché will always follow you, tough times build character, no matter how many times people hate hearing it. Being told you are not the right fit for a position or being turned down from a specific situation just means that you are meant for something better. The only thing that is stopping you is if you want to learn from it or not.  You can put this towards any aspect of your life, work, personal or your health.

In the previous couple of months I have been reminded of the same struggle. Starting new medication has taken a little bit of a toll on me. I forgot what it was like for your body to adapt a change so drastic. That doesn’t take into account the random symptoms of my MS that will randomly appear. But I still think to myself, ‘life’s a dance you learn as you go.’ I wake up each day with positive thoughts and feeling blessed but when something changes your day so intensely,  such as spotting in your vision in the middle of the day its hard to think clearly. It is ok to freak for a second, and I mean only a second. The same thing goes with any other symptom of MS that decides to pop up because is hasn’t paid a visit in a while. These are just the examples that I have to deal with on a daily basis, of how to make the most of my situation. Everyone else has their own demons lurking around the corners. We all handle our issues differently, but there is one thing that we all have in common, are we going to continue to crawl or are we going to get back up and learn to walk again.